Half_Life version 0.1

Half_Life (460K) is a packaged version of the Life compiler as it existed when DEC PRL was closed in September 1994. Half_Life was written primarily by Richard Meyer and Bruno Dumant with guidance from Peter Van Roy and support from the Paradise and Proteus projects at DEC PRL. The development of Half_Life was partially funded by the ESPRIT project ACCLAIM (PE7195). Half_Life is copyright 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation and DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz). Non-commercial use is free and encouraged.

Half_Life essentially implements the Login subset of Life (i.e., Prolog with psi-terms). Functions are supported syntactically, that is, they can be defined, but they are called with unification instead of matching. Half_Life compiles small programs correctly, but no guarantees are given as to its suitability for anything except research into implementation technology.

Half_Life has three innovative characteristics:

Short questions about the Half_Life system can be addressed to myself or to Richard Meyer at richard.meyer@eqtg.sbi.com. Questions about the parser and the Wild_Life preprocessor can be addressed to Bruno Dumant at bruno.dumant@inria.fr.

Please send all comments to vanroy@dfki.uni-sb.de.

Last modified on Feb. 23, 1995.