%%% %%% Authors and Copyright: %%% Christian Schulte %%% %%% Last change: %%% $Date: 2002/10/03 07:58:50 $ by $Author: schulte $ %%% $Revision: 1.1 $ %%% local fun {Scan Hs I Ir} %% Hs is the list of Huffman trees %% I is the tree with so-far lowest frequency %% Ir are all trees already scanned and known %% to have higher frequency than I case Hs of nil then I#Ir [] H|Hr then if {Frequency H}<{Frequency I} then %% Lower frequency tree! {Scan Hr H I|Ir} else {Scan Hr I H|Ir} end end end in fun {FindLowest Hs} {Scan Hs.2 Hs.1 nil} end end